Exam4.3 presents the germination count data for 4 Pre-Treatments and 6 Seedlots.


  1. E.R. Williams, C.E. Harwood and A.C. Matheson (2023). Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement. CSIRO Publishing (https://www.publish.csiro.au/book/3145/).

See also


  1. Muhammad Yaseen (myaseen208@gmail.com)

  2. Sami Ullah (samiullahuos@gmail.com)




 # Pg. 50
 fm4.2    <-
       formula = Percent ~ Repl + Contcomp + SeedLot +
                           Treat/Contcomp + Contcomp /SeedLot +
                           Treat/ Contcomp/SeedLot
      , data   = DataExam4.3

 # Pg. 54
#> Analysis of Variance Table
#> Response: Percent
#>                        Df Sum Sq Mean Sq  F value    Pr(>F)    
#> Repl                    2     35      18   0.1804 0.8355379    
#> Contcomp                1  58542   58542 601.5217 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> SeedLot                 5   2894     579   5.9481 0.0002538 ***
#> Treat                   2   5300    2650  27.2295 1.576e-08 ***
#> Contcomp:SeedLot        5   1347     269   2.7682 0.0287571 *  
#> Contcomp:SeedLot:Treat 10    961      96   0.9876 0.4674993    
#> Residuals              46   4477      97                       
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

 # Pg. 54
 model.tables(x = fm4.2, type = "means")
#> Tables of means
#> Grand mean
#> 51.38889 
#>  Repl 
#>         1     2     3
#>     52.33 50.67 51.17
#> rep 24.00 24.00 24.00
#>  Contcomp 
#>     Treated Tontrol
#>       67.85       2
#> rep   54.00      18
#>  SeedLot 
#>     18211 18212 18217 18248 18249 18265
#>        58 52.33    49 40.67 48.67 59.67
#> rep    12 12.00    12 12.00 12.00 12.00
#>  Treat 
#>      nick  bw&s control bw1min
#>     40.43 49.31   51.39  64.43
#> rep 18.00 18.00   18.00  18.00
#>  Contcomp:SeedLot 
#>          SeedLot
#> Contcomp  18211 18212 18217 18248 18249 18265
#>   Treated 77.33 69.33 63.11 53.33 64.89 79.11
#>   rep      9.00  9.00  9.00  9.00  9.00  9.00
#>   Tontrol  0.00  1.33  6.67  2.67  0.00  1.33
#>   rep      3.00  3.00  3.00  3.00  3.00  3.00
#>  Contcomp:SeedLot:Treat 
#> , , Treat = nick
#>          SeedLot
#> Contcomp  18211 18212 18217 18248 18249 18265
#>   Treated 65.33 54.67 57.33 40.00 49.33 74.67
#>   rep      3.00  3.00  3.00  3.00  3.00  3.00
#>   Tontrol                                    
#>   rep      0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
#> , , Treat = bw&s
#>          SeedLot
#> Contcomp  18211 18212 18217 18248 18249 18265
#>   Treated 78.67 68.00 54.67 52.00 61.33 80.00
#>   rep      3.00  3.00  3.00  3.00  3.00  3.00
#>   Tontrol                                    
#>   rep      0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
#> , , Treat = control
#>          SeedLot
#> Contcomp  18211 18212 18217 18248 18249 18265
#>   Treated                                    
#>   rep      0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
#>   Tontrol  0.00  1.33  6.67  2.67  0.00  1.33
#>   rep      3.00  3.00  3.00  3.00  3.00  3.00
#> , , Treat = bw1min
#>          SeedLot
#> Contcomp  18211 18212 18217 18248 18249 18265
#>   Treated 88.00 85.33 77.33 68.00 84.00 82.67
#>   rep      3.00  3.00  3.00  3.00  3.00  3.00
#>   Tontrol                                    
#>   rep      0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00

 emmeans(object = fm4.2, specs = ~ Contcomp)
#> NOTE: A nesting structure was detected in the fitted model:
#>     Treat %in% Contcomp
#> NOTE: Results may be misleading due to involvement in interactions
#>  Contcomp emmean   SE df lower.CL upper.CL
#>  Treated    67.9 1.34 46    65.15    70.55
#>  Tontrol     2.0 2.33 46    -2.68     6.68
#> Results are averaged over the levels of: Repl, SeedLot, Treat 
#> Confidence level used: 0.95 
 emmeans(object = fm4.2, specs = ~ SeedLot)
#> NOTE: A nesting structure was detected in the fitted model:
#>     Treat %in% Contcomp
#> NOTE: Results may be misleading due to involvement in interactions
#>  SeedLot emmean   SE df lower.CL upper.CL
#>  18211     38.7 3.29 46     32.0     45.3
#>  18212     35.3 3.29 46     28.7     42.0
#>  18217     34.9 3.29 46     28.3     41.5
#>  18248     28.0 3.29 46     21.4     34.6
#>  18249     32.4 3.29 46     25.8     39.1
#>  18265     40.2 3.29 46     33.6     46.8
#> Results are averaged over the levels of: Repl, Treat, Contcomp 
#> Confidence level used: 0.95 
 emmeans(object = fm4.2, specs = ~ Contcomp + Treat)
#> NOTE: A nesting structure was detected in the fitted model:
#>     Treat %in% Contcomp
#> NOTE: Results may be misleading due to involvement in interactions
#>  Treat   Contcomp emmean   SE df lower.CL upper.CL
#>  nick    Treated    56.9 2.33 46    52.21    61.57
#>  bw&s    Treated    65.8 2.33 46    61.10    70.46
#>  bw1min  Treated    80.9 2.33 46    76.21    85.57
#>  control Tontrol     2.0 2.33 46    -2.68     6.68
#> Results are averaged over the levels of: Repl, SeedLot 
#> Confidence level used: 0.95 
 emmeans(object = fm4.2, specs = ~ Contcomp + SeedLot)
#> NOTE: A nesting structure was detected in the fitted model:
#>     Treat %in% Contcomp
#> NOTE: Results may be misleading due to involvement in interactions
#>  Contcomp SeedLot emmean   SE df lower.CL upper.CL
#>  Treated  18211    77.33 3.29 46     70.7     84.0
#>  Tontrol  18211     0.00 5.70 46    -11.5     11.5
#>  Treated  18212    69.33 3.29 46     62.7     76.0
#>  Tontrol  18212     1.33 5.70 46    -10.1     12.8
#>  Treated  18217    63.11 3.29 46     56.5     69.7
#>  Tontrol  18217     6.67 5.70 46     -4.8     18.1
#>  Treated  18248    53.33 3.29 46     46.7     60.0
#>  Tontrol  18248     2.67 5.70 46     -8.8     14.1
#>  Treated  18249    64.89 3.29 46     58.3     71.5
#>  Tontrol  18249     0.00 5.70 46    -11.5     11.5
#>  Treated  18265    79.11 3.29 46     72.5     85.7
#>  Tontrol  18265     1.33 5.70 46    -10.1     12.8
#> Results are averaged over the levels of: Repl, Treat 
#> Confidence level used: 0.95 
 emmeans(object = fm4.2, specs = ~ Contcomp + Treat + SeedLot)
#> NOTE: A nesting structure was detected in the fitted model:
#>     Treat %in% Contcomp
#>  Treat   Contcomp SeedLot emmean  SE df lower.CL upper.CL
#>  nick    Treated  18211    65.33 5.7 46     53.9     76.8
#>  bw&s    Treated  18211    78.67 5.7 46     67.2     90.1
#>  bw1min  Treated  18211    88.00 5.7 46     76.5     99.5
#>  control Tontrol  18211     0.00 5.7 46    -11.5     11.5
#>  nick    Treated  18212    54.67 5.7 46     43.2     66.1
#>  bw&s    Treated  18212    68.00 5.7 46     56.5     79.5
#>  bw1min  Treated  18212    85.33 5.7 46     73.9     96.8
#>  control Tontrol  18212     1.33 5.7 46    -10.1     12.8
#>  nick    Treated  18217    57.33 5.7 46     45.9     68.8
#>  bw&s    Treated  18217    54.67 5.7 46     43.2     66.1
#>  bw1min  Treated  18217    77.33 5.7 46     65.9     88.8
#>  control Tontrol  18217     6.67 5.7 46     -4.8     18.1
#>  nick    Treated  18248    40.00 5.7 46     28.5     51.5
#>  bw&s    Treated  18248    52.00 5.7 46     40.5     63.5
#>  bw1min  Treated  18248    68.00 5.7 46     56.5     79.5
#>  control Tontrol  18248     2.67 5.7 46     -8.8     14.1
#>  nick    Treated  18249    49.33 5.7 46     37.9     60.8
#>  bw&s    Treated  18249    61.33 5.7 46     49.9     72.8
#>  bw1min  Treated  18249    84.00 5.7 46     72.5     95.5
#>  control Tontrol  18249     0.00 5.7 46    -11.5     11.5
#>  nick    Treated  18265    74.67 5.7 46     63.2     86.1
#>  bw&s    Treated  18265    80.00 5.7 46     68.5     91.5
#>  bw1min  Treated  18265    82.67 5.7 46     71.2     94.1
#>  control Tontrol  18265     1.33 5.7 46    -10.1     12.8
#> Results are averaged over the levels of: Repl 
#> Confidence level used: 0.95 

 DataExam4.3 %>%
   dplyr::group_by(Treat, Contcomp, SeedLot) %>%
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'Treat', 'Contcomp'. You can override using
#> the `.groups` argument.
#> # A tibble: 24 × 4
#> # Groups:   Treat, Contcomp [4]
#>    Treat Contcomp SeedLot  Mean
#>    <fct> <fct>    <fct>   <dbl>
#>  1 nick  Treated  18211    65.3
#>  2 nick  Treated  18212    54.7
#>  3 nick  Treated  18217    57.3
#>  4 nick  Treated  18248    40  
#>  5 nick  Treated  18249    49.3
#>  6 nick  Treated  18265    74.7
#>  7 bw&s  Treated  18211    78.7
#>  8 bw&s  Treated  18212    68  
#>  9 bw&s  Treated  18217    54.7
#> 10 bw&s  Treated  18248    52  
#> # ℹ 14 more rows
   RESFIT <- data.frame(residualvalue=residuals(fm4.2),fittedvalue=fitted.values(fm4.2))
   ggplot(mapping = aes(x = fitted.values(fm4.2), y = residuals(fm4.2)))+
   geom_point(size = 2)+
       x = "Fitted Values"
     , y = "Residuals"
     ) +