Exam5.1 presents the height of 27 seedlots from 4 sites.


  1. E.R. Williams, C.E. Harwood and A.C. Matheson (2023). Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement. CSIRO Publishing (https://www.publish.csiro.au/book/3145/).

See also


  1. Muhammad Yaseen (myaseen208@gmail.com)

  2. Sami Ullah (samiullahuos@gmail.com)




# Pg.68
fm5.4 <- lm(formula = Ht ~ Site*SeedLot, data = DataExam5.1)

# Pg. 73
#> Warning: ANOVA F-tests on an essentially perfect fit are unreliable
#> Analysis of Variance Table
#> Response: Ht
#>              Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
#> Site          3  919585  306528     NaN    NaN
#> SeedLot      26 3176289  122165     NaN    NaN
#> Site:SeedLot 78  707957    9076     NaN    NaN
#> Residuals     0       0     NaN               
# Pg. 73
emmeans(object = fm5.4, specs = ~ Site)
#> NOTE: Results may be misleading due to involvement in interactions
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#>  Site      emmean  SE df lower.CL upper.CL
#>  Rathaburi    462 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  Sai Thong    628 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  Si Sa Ket    494 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  Sakaerat     370 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#> Results are averaged over the levels of: SeedLot 
#> Confidence level used: 0.95 
emmeans(object = fm5.4, specs = ~ SeedLot)
#> NOTE: Results may be misleading due to involvement in interactions
#> Warning: NaNs produced
#>  SeedLot emmean  SE df lower.CL upper.CL
#>  13877      365 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  13866      353 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  13689      559 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  13688      546 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  13861      627 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  13854      628 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  13684      660 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  13864      422 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  13863      586 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  13683      770 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  13681      695 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  14175      438 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  14660      521 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  13653      592 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  13846      440 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  13621      384 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  13871      272 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  13519      422 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  13514      369 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  13148      273 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  13990      282 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  14537      780 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  14106      772 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  12013      616 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  14130      422 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  14485      123 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#>  11935      273 NaN  0      NaN      NaN
#> Results are averaged over the levels of: Site 
#> Confidence level used: 0.95 

ANOVAfm5.4 <- anova(fm5.4)
#> Warning: ANOVA F-tests on an essentially perfect fit are unreliable

ANOVAfm5.4[4, 1:3] <- c(208, 208*1040, 1040)
ANOVAfm5.4[3, 4]   <- ANOVAfm5.4[3, 3]/ANOVAfm5.4[4, 3]
ANOVAfm5.4[3, 5]   <- pf(
                            q = ANOVAfm5.4[3, 4]
                        , df1 = ANOVAfm5.4[3, 1]
                        , df2 = ANOVAfm5.4[4, 1]
                        , lower.tail = FALSE
# Pg. 73
#> Analysis of Variance Table
#> Response: Ht
#>               Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
#> Site           3  919585  306528     NaN       NaN    
#> SeedLot       26 3176289  122165     NaN       NaN    
#> Site:SeedLot  78  707957    9076  8.7273 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> Residuals    208  216320    1040                      
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

# Pg. 80
DataExam5.1 %>%
  filter(SeedLot %in% c("13653", "13871")) %>%
    data = .
  , mapping = aes(x = SiteMean, y = Ht, color = SeedLot, shape = SeedLot)
  ) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method = lm, se = FALSE, fullrange = TRUE)+
  theme_classic() +
      x = "SiteMean"
    , y = "SeedLot Mean"
#> `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

Tab5.10 <-
  DataExam5.1 %>%
      summarise(Mean = mean(Ht), .by = SeedLot) %>%
      DataExam5.1 %>%
        nest_by(SeedLot) %>%
        mutate(fm1 = list(lm(Ht ~ SiteMean, data = data))) %>%
        summarise(Slope = coef(fm1)[2])
    , by = "SeedLot"
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'SeedLot'. You can override using the
#> `.groups` argument.

# Pg. 81
#>    SeedLot   Mean      Slope
#> 1    11935 272.75 0.53017435
#> 2    14485 123.00 0.10170020
#> 3    14130 422.25 0.54976906
#> 4    12013 616.25 2.06723798
#> 5    14106 771.75 1.37751724
#> 6    14537 779.75 0.96012145
#> 7    13990 281.75 0.08298796
#> 8    13148 273.25 0.05333546
#> 9    13514 368.75 0.12307233
#> 10   13519 422.00 0.29211648
#> 11   13871 271.50 0.83048203
#> 12   13621 383.75 1.20085607
#> 13   13846 440.00 0.70691001
#> 14   13653 591.50 1.59434380
#> 15   14660 521.25 0.93353990
#> 16   14175 438.00 1.33770745
#> 17   13681 695.00 1.30937837
#> 18   13683 769.75 1.79629735
#> 19   13863 586.25 1.48034730
#> 20   13864 422.50 0.61113857
#> 21   13684 660.00 1.67860570
#> 22   13854 628.00 1.62026853
#> 23   13861 626.75 1.43784662
#> 24   13688 546.50 1.72717652
#> 25   13689 558.75 1.19475332
#> 26   13866 352.75 0.61009734
#> 27   13877 364.75 0.79221858

ggplot(data = Tab5.10, mapping = aes(x = Mean, y = Slope))+
 geom_point(size = 2) +
 theme_bw() +
     x = "SeedLot Mean"
   , y = "Regression Coefficient"

DevSS1 <-
        DataExam5.1 %>%
        nest_by(SeedLot) %>%
        mutate(fm1 = list(lm(Ht ~ SiteMean, data = data))) %>%
        summarise(SSE = anova(fm1)[2, 2]) %>%
        ungroup() %>%
        summarise(Dev = sum(SSE)) %>%
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'SeedLot'. You can override using the
#> `.groups` argument.

ANOVAfm5.4[2, 2]
#> [1] 3176289

#> [1] 27

ANOVAfm5.4.1 <-
     ANOVAfm5.4[1:3, ]
   , c(
        ANOVAfm5.4[2, 1]
      , ANOVAfm5.4[3, 2] - DevSS1
      , (ANOVAfm5.4[3, 2] - DevSS1)/ANOVAfm5.4[2, 1]
      , NA
      , NA
   , c(
        ANOVAfm5.4[3, 1]-ANOVAfm5.4[2, 1]
      , DevSS1
      , DevSS1/(ANOVAfm5.4[3, 1]-ANOVAfm5.4[2, 1])
      , DevSS1/(ANOVAfm5.4[3, 1]-ANOVAfm5.4[2, 1])/ANOVAfm5.4[4, 3]
      , pf(
              q = DevSS1/(ANOVAfm5.4[3, 1]-ANOVAfm5.4[2, 1])/ANOVAfm5.4[4, 3]
          , df1 = ANOVAfm5.4[3, 1]-ANOVAfm5.4[2, 1]
          , df2 = ANOVAfm5.4[4, 1]
          , lower.tail = FALSE
   , ANOVAfm5.4[4, ]
rownames(ANOVAfm5.4.1) <-
  c("Site", "SeedLot", "Site:SeedLot", "  regressions", "  deviations", "Residuals")
# Pg. 82
#> Analysis of Variance Table
#> Response: Ht
#>                Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
#> Site            3  919585  306528     NaN       NaN    
#> SeedLot        26 3176289  122165     NaN       NaN    
#> Site:SeedLot   78  707957    9076  8.7273 < 2.2e-16 ***
#>   regressions  26  308503   11866                      
#>   deviations   52  399454    7682  7.3863 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> Residuals     208  216320    1040                      
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1